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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows discounting products depending on their stock in store.
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to connect your store with payment system Conekta.
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CS-Cart Multi-Vendor Sub-accounts is a feature of the CS-Cart Multi-Vendor eCommerce platform that allows the admin to create and manage sub-accounts within their online store.

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Using this add-on, the admin will no longer be required to configure the product data and information on both the stores separately.

У разных поставщиков могут быть похожие товары, название характеристики также может совпадать , но отличаться написание значения варианта характеристики. Модуль группирует несколько вариантов характеристики в один.

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to set for each product, a list of available payment methods.
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to give discounts on certain products suppliers.
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Price negotiation is an addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allowing to perform price negotiation from product card in shop. Administrator can globally set price negotiation parameters during extension configuration.
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Совершите покупки на 200$ из всего нашего предложения и получите скидку 20%