Cart is empty
Infinite Scroll
This module allows to automatically load the next page with products after the end of the list without reloading the page
Navigation Previous and Next Product
It shows the products of the same category. After hover on button you can see popup with product image, name and price
Product sorting by Images
This addon will add sorting by Images to the products. If product does not have an Image, it will be moved to the end of product list. Or it will be hidden from product list, if you will select corresponding box. If vendor/admin add an Image to the product, product will be shown as usual.
Additional sorting features. You can hide products without images. Also you can sort list of products and move products without images to the end of product list.
This addon will add sorting by Images to the products. If product does not have an Image, it will be moved to the end of product list. Or it will be hidden from product list, if you will select corresponding box. If vendor/admin add an Image to the product, product will be shown as usual.
Additional sorting features. You can hide products without images. Also you can sort list of products and move products without images to the end of product list.
Announcement Bar
Добавляет в шапку вашего магазина умный баннер. При помощи него вы можете сообщать клиентам о текущих акция, условиях доставки и любую другую важную информацию
Cart Panel (amazon side cart)
shows all products added to the cart on the desktop version of the store.
Product Viewers
Save 33%
Shows the number of the active viewers
in the current product.