Совместимость с версиями

Категории: Телефоны, Аудио и видео, Товары для компьютера, Фототехника, Ноутбуки, Приставки, Планшеты и электронные книги, Оргтехника

Boost the performance rate by decreasing the duration of loading of pages with CS-Cart Accelerated Mobile Pages

Модуль позволяет получать расширенные отзывы от клиентов и показывать красивый гибкий слайдер с ними на любой странице вашего магазина.

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to set up measures of selling products.
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Addon to Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor PLUS, Multi-Vendor Ultimate allows vendor to set up his own password to administration panel. When requesting an account in Marketplace, vendor in special field (added earlier by admin in section "Profile fields") types password to his account.
If you're looking to buy this add-on in subscription form, is it available here: Subscription add-on
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor adds payment method PayNow to your store.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

CCAvenue is a popular Payment Gateway that allows online merchants to process their all online transaction. This is authorized by Indian financial institutions to transact money for an online shopping. Integrate a secure payment gateway with CS-Cart.

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