Compatibility versions
Development type
Products that do not have a price with positive balances will not be displayed in the window.
This module allows to export and import CMS pages, blog posts, forms and polls
Webpay payment gateway ( add-on for CS-Cart
This module allows to show wish list contents on the bottom of the cart page. Wish list products can be moved to cart and vise versa
The module displays a list of products in a block on the site pages or a list in footer (basement).
Используйте платежную систему RosKassa для транзакций практически с любым шлюзом или платежной службой. Быстро выходите на новые рынки, обеспечивайте безопасность и соответствие платежей и адаптируйте свой платежный стек для поддержки своей бизнес-стратегии.
The administrator can view products that do not have a category link. Automatic distribution of the category tree with the module takes much less time, which is especially important when working with a large number of suppliers.
- Add images with one click.
- Relevant for CS-Cart versions up to 4.7.x (inclusive).
Платежный модуль от Модульбанк позволит принимать оплату на Вашем сайте с использованием банковских карт платежных систем Visa, MasterCard и МИР.
QuickBooks Online Connector module allows you to sync your data from CS-Cart to QuickBooks Online. The module provides the syncing of customers, products and orders. The customers, products and orders can be synced from CS-Cart to QuickBooks Online. Admin may also delete the order from QuickBooks Online. Admin may also import customers and products from QuickBooks Online to CS-Cart.