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Фильтры товаров Назад

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Фильтры товаров Назад


Фильтры товаров Назад


Фильтры товаров Назад


Спрячь категории без товаров
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Скрывает пустые категории. Cron для своевременной актуализации.
Alladdine Live Search
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AI-ассистент (чат GPT) для панели администратора
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Скидка 40%
  • Предложит seo-текст, описание для ваших товаров.
  • Может написать целую статью на заданную вами тему!
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Модуль оплаты Payselection для CS-Cart

Позволит добавить на ваш магазин оплату банковскими картами через платежный сервис Payselection.

Restrict payment methods for administrator use only
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7-дневная пробная версия

Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows restricting visibility of payment methods, to be used only by administrators.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Копирование переводов между языками
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Расширение для CS-Cart и Multi-Vendor позволяет копировать переводы с одного языка на все остальные в магазине.

Скрыть от ботов
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Модуль позволяет снизить нагрузку ботами на сервер и скрыть от них блоки, индексация которых нежелательна. 
База знаний
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Cоздание базы знаний для персонала в панели администратора. Инструкции, регламенты, пояснения, ответы на часто задаваемые вопросы, ссылки на любые источники.
Cs-Cart Iyzico Payment Gateway
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Предпочтительный способ связи
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Позволяет клиенту указать удобный способ связи при оформлении заказа
Модуль VK клипы к товару
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Модуль VK клипы к товару
CS-Cart M-Pesa Express Payment Gateway
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CS-Cart M-Pesa Express Payment Gateway to add the M-Pesa payment method to their CS-Cart websites. The store owners can now offer one of the fastest and most secure methods to make payments.

Tamara payment gateway
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Скидка 20%

 Tamara payment gateway add-on:

  • Introduction of our Tamara Payment Gateway Add-On.

Introducing the Tamara Payment Gateway Add-On, a premier solution designed to revolutionise your payment operations, developed with a keen understanding of industry trends and requirements.

  •   Smooth Integration Process for CS-Cart Stores

You can easily connect your CS-Cart store with Tamara payment gateway with a smooth and convenient integration process.

  • Extensive support for "Buy Now, Pay Later" Functionality

 This add-on brings an innovative "buy now, pay later “ feature from Tamara, allowing your customers to make purchases without upfront payment obligations. This feature not only enhances the shopping experience but also boosts conversions by providing flexible payment options to your customers. 

  • Global Expansion with Permitted Currency Payments

Expanding your business internationally is made easy with the Tamara Payment Gateway Add-On. Customers can easily pay in permitted currencies for purchases made in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia (KSA). This flexibility enables you to cater to a global customer base, enhancing their shopping experience and fostering trust in your brand.

  • Easy Configuration for Business Requirements

The user can easily configure and adjust the settings of the Tamara Payment gateway integration on your CS-Cart website back-end to align with your business requirements, whether in test mode or live mode. 

  • Instant-Payment configuration.

Once the customer finalizes the order, it securely transmits the payment details to Tamara’s platform, facilitating fast and reliable transaction processing. 

  • Trusted Payment Solution for Saudi Arabia and UAE.

It provides a trusted payment solution for businesses in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, ensuring secure transactions and reliable payment processing.

  • Emphasis on Reliability, Security, and Customer Experience.

With a strong emphasis on reliability, security, and delivering an exceptional customer experience, your online store can thrive amidst competition and achieve remarkable growth and success.


Display full info about variations features in order management
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Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows displaying values of variation features next to the products in orders.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Afterpay payment gateway
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Скидка 20%

Introducing our CS-Cart Afterpay Payment Gateway add-On, a powerful solution that integrates the Afterpay payment gateway into your CS-Cart website's payment setup. It enhances security and reliability, offering your customers a smooth payment experience through Afterpay's advanced payment infrastructure.


easyParcel shipping add-on
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Скидка 20%

Introducing our CS-Cart easyParcel Shipping Add-On, a robust solution that easily integrates the easyParcel shipping platform into your CS-Cart store's shipping setup. This add-on enhances the efficiency and reliability of your shipping processes, providing your customers with a smooth shipping experience through easyParcel's comprehensive shipping infrastructure.