Fast & Smart search on ElasticSearch

Smart search with typo correction. The ability to quickly filter in search results!
Reviews: 7
Last update: 18.09.2024 Supports current CS-Cart version
Fast & Smart search on ElasticSearch

A unique module that is necessary for any store, especially those with a large number of products. Based on ElasticSearch.

If a visitor uses the search and finds the necessary product right away, then:

  1. He/she is more likely to become your customer;
  2. Even if he/she does leave the site, he/she is more likely to return.

Thus, the search is necessary on the site of any online store, regardless of the vastness and variety of assortment.

If your customers cannot find products in your store, you lose money right away.

But simply placing a search form is not enough. You need to cater to the comfort of visitors: it is necessary to make the search process convenient, while the result should be as precise as possible, taking into account typos, keyboard layouts, etc.

Irrelevant products in the search results, lack of filtering, slow search for items negatively affect customer impression and lead to the desire to leave the site.

The main benefits of the plugin

  1. Acceleration of the search when dealing with really big volumes.
    The search works perfectly for stores with more than 1 million items.
  2. Your store will not have problems with speed.
    Drastic speedup of filtering. The plugin has improved the work with filters, particularly in product categories.
  3. And in the search form, the load will be drastically reduced.
    According to our calculations, filtering in the search speeds up to 70 times.
  4. Search by characteristics.
    Not only can our module search by description and product name but also by product properties.
  5. A drop-down hint bar.
    In it, your customers will see the relevant categories and a list of products that can be immediately added to the cart.
  6. Correction of the search query based on your product database. We do not just correct typos, but also suggest based on your database.
  7. Support of Common products addon in Multivendor version. Your customers can see all available variants to buy.
  8. Search results analytics in admin area. You can sort this report by search results and find search queries with empty result.
  9. Ability to sort out of stock products at the end of any products listing.
  10. Personal search history.

The bar is adaptive, and it works great on mobile devices.

You'll need to install ElasticSearch for the module to work.

Payment type
One-time payment
  • Store Builder
  • Store Builder Ultimate
  • Multi-Vendor
  • Multi-Vendor Plus
  • Multi-Vendor Ultimate
Compatible versions
  • 4.18.3
  • 4.18.2.SP1
  • 4.18.2
  • 4.18.1.SP1
  • 4.18.1
  • 4.17.2.SP3
  • 4.17.2.SP2
  • 4.17.2.SP1
  • 4.17.2
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.15.1
  • 4.14.1
  • 4.13.1
  • 4.12.1
  • English
  • Русский
Невероятный модуль, не имеющий аналогов на маркетплейсе. На Ultimate Multivendor редакции с 300к+ товаров и 11 языками работает безупречно.
Спасибо разработчикам за такой прекрасный модуль и быструю поддержку на каждом этапе!
Essential add-on for a large database with many products. Returns search results instantly.
Great support, quick response and quick fix.
I recommend it, I use it for Multi-Vendor and it really makes a difference.
Высокая скорость, широкий функционал, стабильность работы, поддержка =)
Не заметил прироста скорости фильтрации в категориях.
Изначально купил модуль по большей части для ускорения просчета и применения фильтрации. Но по итогу влюбился в сам поиск. Сделан красиво, радует что исправляет опечатки и работает на порядок быстрее стандартного поиска.
Антон Бобров
Скорость - просто пушка! Лучшее, что есть на рынке.
Модуль требует установку на хостинге ElasticSearch, что повысили потребление ресурсов и придётся переходить на более дорогой тариф, но ради этого, думаю, стоит.
Перепробовал, наверное, все модули живого поиска, которые есть для cs-cart. Но этот модуль просто вне конкуренции по скорости.
cata simion
It loads very fast for a maximum of 2 minutes for 500,000 products
we installed the search on and everything is perfect now we have over 500,000 products and we are very satisfied.
У нас маркетплейс товаров общего пользования - 2 млн товаров, 1000 характеристик.

До установки модуля смотреть было страшно на скорость поиска и каталога.
Это решение помогло сделать работу магазина быстрой.
Используем в своем проекте.

До этого были проблемы - у нас 4.5 млн товаров, 6000 характеристик. Сейчас все работает отлично и самое главное быстро.

Коррекция ошибок также оказалась полезной.
We are one of the most experienced developers, just look at the number of our modules and reviews

We are one of the most experienced developers, just look at the number of our modules and reviews about us.

We have been developing e-commerce solutions for over 10 years.

Our services

  • Development of stores and marketplaces from scratch
  • Development of modules and integrations
  • We help service companies to make a solution for CS-cart
  • Integrations with 3d party services
Some numbers
  • Our solutions are used by 3000+ stores worldwide
  • Over 2,000 customizations completed for clients
  • 200+ reviews with a rating of 5 on the marketplace
  • 50+ modules that take first place in the ranking of modules
We make complex and non-standard solutions, help launch stores and marketplaces quickly.

Feel free to ask questions about our modules and services.

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