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Not all bots are equally useful.
Bots created to perform monotonous and repetitive actions on a website often cause a large load on the server. This feature often makes them a tool for malicious attacks that paralyze the operation of the site. Let's call such bots “bad bots”. It is useful to hide blocks containing a large number of links to navigate, or require complex calculation and processing actions (sorting products, filtering products, selecting the number of products displayed per page, etc.) from them.
But there are also useful bots - web crawlers for site indexing from Google, Yandex, Yahoo, let's call them “good bots”. But you can also hide some service page content (blocks of the cart, user personal account, product sorting), which will speed up the loading of pages for such bots.
What does the add-on do?
- The ad-on allows you to specify blocks in the layout whose content should be hidden from bots (bad ones or all).
A real user will see the full version of the page with all its content, without changes.
- Adds a separate page for managing bot lists
To make it easier to manage a large number of bots, they are divided into editable groups.
- Adds a list of bots IPs
You can specify not only individual IP addresses, but also use templates - masks.
6 months of the free upgrade period included.
Works correctly with the popular themes YOUPI and UniTheme.
- Store Builder
- Store Builder Plus
- Store Builder Ultimate
- Multi-Vendor
- Multi-Vendor Plus
- Multi-Vendor Ultimate
- 4.18.3
- 4.18.2.SP1
- 4.18.2
- 4.18.1.SP1
- 4.18.1
- 4.17.2.SP3
- 4.17.2.SP2
- 4.17.2.SP1
- 4.17.2
- 4.17.1
- 4.16.2
- 4.16.1
- 4.15.2
- 4.15.1.SP4
- 4.15.1.SP3
- 4.15.1.SP2
- 4.15.1.SP1
- 4.15.1
- 4.14.3.SP1
- 4.14.3
- 4.14.2.SP1
- 4.14.2
- 4.14.1.SP1
- 4.14.1
- 4.13.3
- 4.13.2.SP2
- 4.13.2.SP1
- 4.13.2
- 4.13.1
- 4.12.2
- 4.12.1
- 4.11.5
- 4.11.4
- 4.11.3
- 4.11.2
- 4.11.1
- 4.10.4.SP1
- 4.10.4
- 4.10.3
- 4.10.2
- 4.10.1
- English
- Русский
Cart-Power is a 35+ professional team with extensive experience. More than 10 years we have developed, modified marketplaces, online stores, crowdfunding places, classifieds, auction sites and e.g. all around the world. We provide comprehensive solutions for ecommerce projects from development and design to SEO promotion and technical support.
We’ve created more than 500 ecommerce projects, 5000+ custom upgrades and developments. Our 100+ add ons are ready to integrate into your online project to build convenient functionalities of your site.
We have over 500 projects for clients from all over the world. We are NDA-bound for many of them, so below are just a few whose owners have approved placement in our portfolio.
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- Makes your store faster.
- Improves the SEO ranking of the site.
- Increases conversion.

Optimize and convert to WebP all the images on the site