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Restudio Development proposes the development and support of e-commerce solutions of any complexity. In our portfolio of over 150 developed additional modules and systems integration for systems such as CS-Cart and Magento.
What we can
- Integration with payment systems (LiqPay, Privat 24, Platon)
- Integration with SMS gateways
- integration with Elasticsearch (Full-text search with the morphology, functional replacement for the standard filter and the listing of categories, it is recommended for shops with 30,000 + products for better performance filters, listing and searching)
- integration with Retail Rocket (including full tracking and recommendations blocks)
- integration with Ms Sql Server or 1C (update products, outstanding balances shops etc)
- Integration with Provider (parsers or json, xml API)
- integration of new mail (choice of cities, departments, tracking invoices)
- promotional rules for UTM tags
- Modules stickers for goods
- Automatically relink catalog
- Development of other modules and systems on request
- Full stack ecommerce development
- SEO filters