Фильтры товаров
Совместимость с версиями

Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows restricting ability of customer's order placing, if their order does not contain a sufficient amount of certain products.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Extension to Multi-Vendor allows blocking vendor's access to customer data.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Add-on to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating promotion which gives customer all shipping methods for free.
A new promotion has arrived!
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Extension to Multi-Vendor allows quick creation of promotions, to be used by vendors.
A new promotion has arrived!
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Extension to Multi-Vendor allows sorting list of vendors in store by amount of products.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Extension to Multi-Vendor allows exporting information about vendors products to CSV file.
A new promotion has arrived!
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Extension to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating promotions dependent on product list price.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows creating promotions active only in certain days of week.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows simplifying interface of promotions by removing some conditions and bonuses from it.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor adds payment method PayNow to your store.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount.