Product filters

Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale  (1)
Quick shipment estimation for clients
5.0 (14)

Display a shipping fee estimation block on the product page so that the user or customer can check/find out the shipping fee.

YouTube Video Gallery
4.7 (25)
Substitute product pictures with videos and attract more customers to your store
Professional Full-Width Banner
4.9 (15)

Engage your customers with full-width banners containing an advertising text and a call-to-action button

Fast Scroll Back to Top of the Page
4.9 (12)

Add scrolling to top/bottom of the page in one click. Matches every design

Create unique labels for your products
4.5 (21)
Improve customers experience and increase your profit
Prices better than your competitor's
4.7 (14)

Get more information about your competitors

Category Gallery
5.0 (8)
Make it easy to find the right category from the start
Set the layout of your site for mobile devices
4.6 (14)
It is a super useful extension that allows you to show different layouts on desktop, mobile, and tablet devices.
Motivate purchases with social approval of the product
4.5 (16)
Show proof that your store is a popular venue
Follow Favorite Vendor
5.0 (7)
Allow users to choose the vendors they want to deal with
Sticky Menu of your storefront
5.0 (7)

Make your menu or any element you choose stay visible at the top of the screen while scrolling

Share products in social networks
4.8 (9)

Let your customers share products & pages with their friends on 20 popular social networks

Show more products with one click
4.5 (13)

Offer your customers an efficient way to browse massive amounts of items without preloading

Blocks Animation
5.0 (6)

Make your website dynamic with a set of amazing animation effects

Quick Authentication via Social Networks
4.6 (9)
Allow customers to log in using their Facebook, Google, Yahoo or Twitter accounts.
Similar by Tag
5.0 (5)

Recommend products that are similar to the viewed one

Sell Similar by Feature Products
4.5 (8)
Show items related by feature on your product pages by using the Similar by Feature add-on.
Create Gift Lists for Special Occasion
5.0 (4)
Save 12%
Attract more customers with an amazing registry service
Two Factor Authentication by Google
5.0 (4)
Prevent unauthorized access to accounts in your store
Address Autocomplete by Google
4.4 (7)
Help your customers proceed checkout hassle-free by offering them an address autocomplete
Sell your products in bundles
4.4 (7)
Create a collection of products that are sold as a unit
Systemize your menu categories
4.3 (8)
A great solution to handle navigation on smaller screens. Keep the design clean and functional
Mark your liked products
4.8 (4)
Show the most popular products!