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Free Product as Promotion
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The store admin can define a free product or make a list of free goods for customer's choice on the product page. It's some kind of "Buy X, get Y" module.
Vendor Product Page Pro
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Show other products from the same vendor on product page
Cart Share
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Allows your customers to share the contents of their cart with anyone else in a few clicks. It increases conversion, generates traffic and solves the problem of abandoned carts when the buyer switches devices.
Smartarget - Exit Popup
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Use Exit Popup to prevent users from leaving the website

Commercial offer from seller and marketplace administrator
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The module simplifies the creation of a commercial proposal by generating it on the basis of a product or a comparison list.

Commercial offer for CS-Cart
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The module simplifies the creation of a commercial proposal by generating it on the basis of a product or a comparison list.

Grouped Feature Options for CS-Cart
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Different suppliers may have similar products, the name of the characteristic may also coincide, but the spelling of the value of the variant of the characteristic may differ. The module groups several characterization options into one.

Image gallery for the site and optimisation of the seller's image for CS-Cart
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

HTML design constructor for CS-Cart
5.0 (1)
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The module allows you to easily and quickly typeset site pages using the constructor. You can easily create simple and intuitive sites.

Grouped Merchant Features for CS-Cart
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The "Grouped characteristics" module in two clicks will combine the characteristics and values into one and assign the necessary values. The module also solves the problem of end-to-end filtering of goods or services by the visitor, accelerating the search for goods and increasing customer loyalty.

Contract Execution module for CS-Cart
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The module allows you to create an agreement for the buyer based on the selected order.


Promote your products and analyze marketing activities


One Step Checkout - Simple Layout
5.0 (20)
The ultimate checkout experience
Integration with Baselinker (
5.0 (19)
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows integration with Baselinker system. Add-on fully integrates CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor ensuring data exchange about orders and products.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Wherefrom client + marketing report
5.0 (18)
Save 34%
This module can tell you order channel - paid channel, referall, search engine, social networks.
Checkout optimisation
5.0 (14)
Improve your order placement: remove notification "Email already used", auto registration for customers.
Extended Email marketing
5.0 (13)
All features for successful email-marketing. Abandoned cart, wishlist, viewed products reminders, event notifications, products review requests. 
Promotions - discount on products of vendors
5.0 (11)
Extenstion to Multi-Vendor, Multi-Vendor Plus and Multi-Vendor Ultimate allows creating promotions with vendor conditions. Add-on also allows vendors to create their own promotions.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount.

How to boost your sales on holidays? + Bonus

Hello, Christmas is on the way :) On holidays, people spend a lot of money to please loved ones. You can make them happy :) We can give you some tips to increase the sales of your online store or marketplace during the days of high shopping activity. Promotions, discounts, exclusive gift bundlesThink about what promotions you can offer: buying 2 products with the discount, 1 + 1 = 3, etc.
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