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Модуль импортирует отзывы со страницы Facebook в нужный раздел сайта. Передается фотография профиля пользователя, оставившего отзыв, ссылка на профиль и сам текст отзыва.
TrendKey specializes in creating profitable online shops on a turnkey basis with a guarantee of sales.
We do our jobs for those who already has an online shop or wantst to have one.
We are professionals at what we do because we have our own profitable online shops and great experiance in making starting big projects from the very beginning up till 30000 customers. We know all of the buisness process inside out. We went through the whole way from the beginnig to the payback of uor own online shop. This helped us to become experts at this.
Not only do we make sites, but we also make profitable buisness projects.
If you want an effective online shop that will monetize your efforts and investments, you\re our clint.
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The module "TargetSMS: SMS notifications" is intended for sending SMS text notifications to an administrator and buyers of online store.