Razorpay Payment Gateway

This is the Razorpay payment gateway plugin for CS-Cart. Allows Indian merchants to accept credit cards, debit cards, netbanking with the CS-Cart store. It uses a seamless integration, allowing the customer to pay on your website without being redirected away from your CS-Cart website.

Reviews: 1

This is the Razorpay payment gateway plugin for CS-Cart. Allows Indian merchants to accept credit cards, debit cards, netbanking with the CS-Cart store. It uses a seamless integration, allowing the customer to pay on your website without being redirected away from your CS-Cart website.

Razorpay Payment Gateway

This is the Razorpay payment gateway plugin for CS-Cart. Allows Indian merchants to accept credit cards, debit cards, netbanking with the CS-Cart store. It uses a seamless integration, allowing the customer to pay on your website without being redirected away from your CS-Cart website.


1. Ensure you have latest version of CS-Cart installed.
2. Download the zip of this repo.
3. Inside the file downloaded above is a file called 'install.razorpay.sql'. This has to be executed against your CS-Cart database. You can use phpmyadmin to import the file into your CS-Cart database or copy paste the content and run directly into your mysql shell.
4. Upload rest of the contents of the plugin to your CS-Cart Installation directory (content of app folder goes in app folder, content of design folder in design folder).
1. Log into CS-Cart as administrator (http://cscart_installation/admin.php). Navigate to Administration / Payment Methods.
2. Click the "+" to add a new payment method.
3. Choose Razorpay from the list and then click save. For template, choose "cc_outside.tpl"
4. Click the 'Configure' tab.
5. Enter your Razorpay Key ID and Key Secret which you can get from Razorpay Dashboard.
6. Click 'Save'
  • Store Builder
  • Multi-Vendor
Compatible versions
  • 4.2.4
  • 4.1.5
  • 4.0.3
  • 3.0.6
  • English
Chetana Misra
The link leads us to a page where there is a download option. But the download option doesnt download anything.
Razorpay is a payment gateway for India which provides support for all popular payment methods

Contact information

Phone 1800-123-1272

Razorpay is a payment gateway for India which provides support for all popular payment methods including Credit Cards, Debit Cards and Net banking. It also supports 3D Secure payments. The unique integration from Razorpay allows merchants to accept payments on their site without redirecting the customer away even when using 3D Secure.

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