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Order Extra Fee
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Easily enhance your CS-Cart store with the “Order Extra Fee” Add-on, streamlining the process of adding extra charges to orders. Whether it's tax, gift, wrapping, fast delivery, or more, this addon simplifies customization, ensuring a clear and straightforward approach to managing additional costs. Ideal for both store owners and customers, it promotes transparency and simplicity in order management, making it a valuable tool for your e-commerce website.

Phone Mask
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The CS-Cart Phone Mask Add-on enhances your e-commerce platform with a focus on country codes. By incorporating a phone mask alongside a country code, it becomes a powerful indicator of a phone number's origin, relying on a unique set of numbers. The country code plays a crucial role in identifying the country associated with the phone number, pinpointing its registration location. For instance, +1 signifies the United States. Placed at the start of a phone number, the country code is indispensable for determining the affiliated country, providing valuable insights into your customer base.

Pop-up Box Ad
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Popup Box help you sell more

If you have an e-commerce website you can display a new offer, a discount on a specific product, or a free shipping method through Pop Up Box.

Salesforce Connector
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Salesforce Connector module allows you to sync your data from CS-Cart to Salesforce. The module provides the syncing of customers, products and orders. The customers, products and orders can be synced from CS-Cart to Salesforce. Admin may also delete these records from Salesforce. Admin may also import customers and products from Salesforce to CS-Cart.

Extra Account
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Elevate your website to the standards of leading global e-commerce websites. The intuitive and easy-to-use interface ensures a seamless experience for your customers. Customizable aesthetics.
Hide specific products by languages
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  • Hide specific products by languages
  • Support bulk edit and import/export
Alladdine Extra Grid
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Additional add-ons give you great flexibility to customize the front-end.
You just need some CSS skills.