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Payment via HUMO and UZCARD
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Addon for payment systems of Uzbekistan HUMO and UZCARD
Yandex IndexNow + Google Indexing API
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Automatically notify Yandex and Google about changes on the site: the appearance of new pages, updating or deleting already indexed product pages, categories, pages, promotions, blog articles.
International Phone Number
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An Add-on integrated with CS-Cart for entering and validating international telephone numbers with country code. It adds a (searchable) country drop-down to any input, detects the user's country, displays a relevant placeholder number, formats the number as you type, and provides comprehensive validation methods.

Paymob Payment
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Smart Payment Acceptance For Smart Growth

ChatGpt AI Assistant
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Vehicle identification number on checkout page
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Vehicle identification number is an addon for cs cart users who have store for auto parts and need customers to enter VIN number on checkout which can be seen in order page by vendor and ownner, this is very helpful tool for ownners and vendors to get information from customers, you can use it as a block and put it anywhere in checkout page as required field.

further information about VIN is below.

A Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) is a unique code used to identify motor vehicles. It serves as a vehicle's fingerprint, providing a comprehensive history of the vehicle's make, model, manufacturer, country of origin, and other important details. VINs are used for various purposes, including vehicle registration, tracking, recalls, and insurance.