Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Features in categories
5.0 (4)
15583.26 Р
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to set product features on categories.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Category Layout
5.0 (4)
1335.71 Р

This module allows to tune the look and feel of the category details page

SEO Meta Tags Generator
5.0 (4)
1959.04 Р

This module allows to automatically generate meta info for products, categories and pages using specific templates

Geolocation Language and Currency Converter
5.0 (4)
5253.78 Р
CS-Cart Geolocation Language and Currency Converter : This impressive add-on converts currency and language of CS-Cart store in run time based on the visitor’s location. An automatic conversion happens on the basis of Geo-location.
Sales in measures of fractional
5.0 (4)
31077.47 Р
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to sell products by meters, weight, packages that contain non-integer amount of product.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount!
Hide Out Of Stock Variants
5.0 (4)

This module allows to show in stock product options only

Automatic User Account Creation
5.0 (4)
2671.42 Р
Сreate an account for every guest buyer with the generation of a random password and use of the email entered by the guest.
CCAvenue Payment Gateway
5.0 (4)
4363.31 Р
CCAvenue is a popular Payment Gateway that allows online merchants to process their all online transaction. This is authorized by Indian financial institutions to transact money for an online shopping. Integrate a secure payment gateway with CS-Cart.