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Simpler Checkout
Let your customers checkout in seconds. The simplest way to increase your sales.
Simple Profit
Simple Profit tells profit per product, profit per order and the total profit in a convenient way.
Simple import from Excel, XML, CSV files with Multivendor support
Save 12%
Import and update products and features. Addon can help you control stocks & prices via Excel, XML price lists.
Simple Admin Helper
This module adds new top menu item to the admin panel with the set of most important tools
Similar Items
This module allows to show similar products by product features, tags, popularity, category and price on the product details page
Similar categories
Just link similar categories to the category and products will automatically assign to the specified similar categories.
Sign-up Pop-up and first order discount
Easily add a powerful and professional looking pop-up to your website.
Simple import from Excel, XML, CSV files with Multivendor support
Save 12%
Import and update products and features. Addon can help you control stocks & prices via Excel, XML price lists.
Wherefrom client + marketing report
Save 34%
This module can tell you order channel - paid channel, referall, search engine, social networks.
Integration with Baselinker
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows integration with Baselinker system. Add-on fully integrates CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor ensuring data exchange about orders and products.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Checkout optimisation
Improve your order placement: remove notification "Email already used", auto registration for customers.