Цена  $
Совместимость с версиями
Акционный товар
Родственные цвета
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Размещение ссылки на похожие товары, например, другого цвета, на странице с детальным описанием продукта.

Показать еще
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Замените нумерацию страниц кнопкой «Показать еще».

Способы оплаты товара
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  • Выбирайте способ оплаты для каждого товара.
  • Управляйте способами оплаты целой категории товаров.
CS-Cart addon authorize net sim
Authorize.Net SIM
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Скидка 50%

Данный модуль интегрирует платежную систему Authorize.Net SIM

Hidden inactive variant filters
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to optimize filters. When customer chooses filter, inactive options of other filters are hidden.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Contact us for price and availability of the add-on

Баннеры для категорий
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Добавляет баннеры среди товаров в списках
CS-Cart Bulk Delete
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This magnificent add-on helps site owner to allow the bulk deletion of Product Features, Filters and Options. This makes the deletion process fast & hassle free at admin end. This useful addon is well integrated with CS-Cart Multivendor.

Product discount for this promotion
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows you to set up promotion, so discount will be given for multiple products in cart.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Vendor KYC
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This magnificent add-on helps the store admin to built a process of verifying the vendor’s authentication. This reduces the risk and financial frauds by providing the objective to know your vendor better.

CS-Cart categories background
Фон Для Категорий
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Модуль позволяет задавать различные фоновые изображения или цвета фона для категорий товаров

Adyen Payment Gateway
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Adyen is a popular globalised payment gateway.This enables merchants to accept payments from anywhere in the world and provides a global payment solution for mid, large and enterprise e-commerce merchants.

Seller Invoice
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Improve customer experience by CS-Cart Seller Invoice add-on. This impressive add-on allows sellers and admin to attach invoice to the orders.