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Customer Group Switching
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1-Click Checkout
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The add-on provides the ability to purchase a product directly from the product page or from the quick product viewer, skipping the shopping cart step. Products that were previously added to your cart will not be affected and will remain there.
Restrictions on changing order statuses
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  • Managing status changes
  • Unlimited Events
  • Flexible conditions
Limit Cart Quantity
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Effortlessly manage customer purchases with the CS-Cart Limit Cart Quantity addon. Admins can set minimum and maximum product quantity conditions tailored to different user groups. Customers must adhere to these limits when buying a particular product. The tool offers automatic selection of default values from a list of user groups with quantity specifications. Real-time notifications keep customers informed if their chosen quantity falls outside the set conditions. This addon empowers admins to control purchases effectively, ensuring a personalized and seamless shopping experience for customers.