Price  $
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Change icon of your cart with nice effects with number of products in cart
Awesome Cart Icon Effect
1.0 (1)
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This addon will change your cart icon and its appearance to modern style which is best for latest stores.

The old style of cart is improved by newest style and it looks really awesome to users and they have clear visibility to your store cart icon.

Hide vendor information from cs cart store
Codesbar Hide Vendor Information cs cart
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This add-on gives you complete control to hide and display vendor information, you can easily choose which information of vendor should be visible on store front-end and which should not be displayed.

Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
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In this addon admin can receive RMA from customers via email.

admin can set his email for example [email protected] and he can put any email based on their choice.

customer can send RMA from front end of website and an email will be sent to both customer and admin also.

while it will be very easy and perfect technique for RMA.

you can add RMA on your website anywhere as a block.