Any Media Development

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Адрес доставки

Str. Av. Mircea Zorileanu, Nr. 43, Sector 1, Bucuresti, Romania Bucuresti, 012055 Romania
Разработка модулей и модификаций
Сентябрь 2020
English Română
Since its establishment in 2007, SendSMS has been providing SMS Messaging Services for a broad variety of companies. By having Direct Connections to all local providers in Romania with its own capabilities, SendSMS is the ideal partner for companies that demand high quality SMS messaging services, meeting the most demanding requirements. Using direct connections to telecommunication carriers and SendSMS is able to provide high quality telecommunication solutions to a large number of companies.
Разработка модулей и модификаций
Нужно дополнительное функциональное расширение для вашего магазина? Мы разработаем приложения, модификации и интеграции, чтобы удовлетворить ваши уникальные потребности. Надежно и профессионально.



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