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Brands multiple rows
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This addon will control how you want to display your brands without making them duplicate in different rows

Pick up the item later
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Allows you to select a pickup point where you can receive the goods after they have been moved. Splits the order.
Интеграция со службой доставки Л-Пост
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Л-Пост — обширная сеть собственных пунктов выдачи и курьерская служба Л-Пост свяжут вас с миллионами клиентов по всей стране.

Hide product uploading fields
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This addon will hide information from product uploading fields as per details in full description tab

Manager's assistant
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The add-on controls the visibility of product information, filters, balances. Allows to show it only for certain groups of users. Adds a customizable tab for the manager on the product card.
Accessories and Similar Products
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Automatic selection of appropriate products - accessories and similars, based on their cost and features.
Google Indexing API
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  • Speed-up the indexing of your website pages.
  • Sending for indexing directly from the admin panel.
Multiple root administrators
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Retains root admin rights for the user