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On sale
Image gallery for the site and optimisation of the seller's image for Multi-Vendor
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Product as Option
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Add related products from other categories to the base product as an option or combine separate products in a set.
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Announcement Bar
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Добавляет в шапку вашего магазина умный баннер. При помощи него вы можете сообщать клиентам о текущих акция, условиях доставки и любую другую важную информацию
Honest rating
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This add-on is an add-on for reviews in cs-cart. Its main features are:

  • Adds a rating to products (not displayed in the product card) and sorting by rating
  • Adds the ability to enable or disable the display of ratings for goods in the block.
  • Displays more detailed grade information.
Image gallery for the site and optimisation of the seller's image for CS-Cart
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Product's images upload limit for Multi-Vendor
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15-days free trial

The module limits the seller on the number of downloaded images for the product, and also warns the seller about the imminent removal of excess images if they are imported into the system.