Pinta Webware  is an international IT company specializing in the development of websites,

Contact information

Pinta Webware is an international IT company specializing in the development of websites, services, and mobile applications.

Working since 2009 we:

  • built an optimal management structure, which allows you to always comply with the specified project deadlines;
  • established a simple and transparent scheme for working with clients;
  • formed a strong team of professionals → our employees are required to constantly improve their qualifications and keep pace with the rapidly developing IT market.

We don't do “cheap” → Your site is the face of your business. We don't run after quantity, churning out template sites → we strive for the quality and uniqueness of each project, which leads to us TOP clients. We don't abandon our clients → if you have a question or doubt, our specialists will always help you to understand the problem.

Our contacts:

e-mail: [email protected]

telegram: @pintawebware 

Skype: pintawebware

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SMS Notifications Sender
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4007.12 Р
An easy-to-use module allows you to automatically send SMS notifications to customers and administrators of your online store
Total Costs with Shipping
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2849.51 Р
The module allows you to determine the total cost of the goods, including additional charges
Image Compress with Squeezeimg
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The Image Compress with Squeezeimg module helps to optimize all your images and improve the performance of your website
Quick Order Form - Easy Buy in one click
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2226.18 Р
The Quick Order Form module is specially created to make ordering goods faster and easier for your customers
Nova Poshta - Simple Delivery
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4452.36 Р
The module helps to automate the work of your online store with the delivery service Nova Poshta Ukraine, using API
Ajax Live Search - Smart, Instant, Responsive, Auto-Complete, Suggestion Search
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3116.65 Р
Add a smart live search to increase the conversions of your online store
Page Preloader - Display Progress Bar (Animated Loader)
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890.47 Р
Add a preloader to your website as progress bar and animated loader