Фильтры товаров
Совместимость с версиями

Фиксирует расположение главного меню и меню "быстрые ссылки" в верхней части экрана так, чтобы они были видны при прокрутке страницы.

- Управляйте количеством символов в названии товаров.
- Отдельная настройка для блоков товаров.

Price negotiation is an addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allowing to perform price negotiation from product card in shop. Administrator can globally set price negotiation parameters during extension configuration.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Продавайте продукты в наборах. Установите скидку на один или несколько товаров в наборе или поднимите цену товара.

AutoImage Lite for CS-Cart is an add-on that assists your image editing, by cropping and resizing all your images automatically, maintaining aspect ratio

Payment Restriction By Product : This splendid extension will help users to restrict payment methods available to customers based on products. This extension works by excluding selected payment options for customers on products during checkout process. Therefore it will help users to create very flexible payment method rules by restricting access to payment methods for customers in certain situations.

Order Cancellation : This magnificent extension gives the customers privilege of cancelling their orders. The eligibility of order cancellation is based on product, price of order, time period and status of order.

CS-Cart Unique Product SKU Or Code: This useful addon improves stores inventory management by reducing the duplicacy of SKUs. It identifies already existing duplicate product codes and also auto replace them with unique ones.

Удобное и информативное представление данных о продажах.