Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
Ajax Mega Menu
No reviews
3516.68 Р

Allows you to optimize the work of your site and make it more attractive. Now the menu items are downloaded, only when you put a cursor on it.
Vertical Menu
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2614.97 Р
Add the special accordion-type template for menu block and enables new color solution for it.
Related Colors
No reviews
3516.68 Р
Add the special compact block "Related colors" with links to the products of the same color or to the same products of different colors.
Similar Products
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2614.97 Р
4418.39 Р
Save 41%
Сreates new options for filling the Products block content.
cs-cart addon filter by tags
Filter By Tags
No reviews
3156.00 Р

This module allows to add filter by product tags

Additional Category Links
No reviews
7123.53 Р
Ability to place additional internal and external links on product categories pages.
Rating Filter
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4508.57 Р
A configurable rating filter and new sortings will save the client’s time searching for a product with the highest user rating.
Adding scharacteristics by vendor
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18394.95 Р
24797.11 Р
Save 26%

Thanks to the module, the seller independently enters the characteristics and their values for their own goods, keeping them up to date.

SEO analytics PRO for online store on CMS CS-Cart
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17853.92 Р
24797.11 Р
Save 28%

The module has a more advanced and flexible content management system. In contrast to the usual module "SEO site analysis", it allows you to further analyze the elements of the "blog" and the objects of the "HTML designer Tilda". Added the ability to configure each item (products, categories, etc.) separately, and select special characters from the list that are considered an error.

SEO analytics PRO for marketplace
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17853.92 Р
24797.11 Р
Save 28%

The module has a more advanced and flexible content management system. In contrast to the usual module "SEO site analysis", it allows you to further analyze the elements of the "blog" and the objects of the "HTML designer Tilda". Added the ability to configure each item (products, categories, etc.) separately, and select special characters from the list that are considered an error.

Popular categories for Multi-Vendor
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7123.53 Р

The module calculates the popularity of categories based on the popularity of products and outputs a block to the product page or any other page.

Hiding products with zero price (0.00) for Multi-Vendor
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9467.99 Р

Products that do not have a price with positive balances will not be displayed in the window.