Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Additional Block Settings
5.0 (6)

This module allows to enable blocks for mobile, tablet or desktop devices and enable blocks for specific user groups.

Google Address Autocomplete
5.0 (6)

This addon will speed up the checkout process by filling in the checkout address info automatically. This will save time for your customers and prevent typing errors.

Fractional Stock
5.0 (6)
Allows you to sell a certain amount of goods or goods with a floating value. You can sell food products (in grams, kilograms), products sold in packages (boxes, boxes) and other things that have a floating amount
Extended orders search in admin area
5.0 (6)
This module adds ability to search orders by categories, promotions, coupons codes and many more other options.
Order payment after confirmation
5.0 (6)
A module for stores that require a confirmation of the availability of items in the order before the customer's payment
Additional object fields (extra tabs)
5.0 (6)
  • Add fields for different objects.
  • Fill in more information.
Advance Live Currency Converter
4.8 (8)
CS-Cart Advance Live Currency Converter : This magnificent add-on has the ability to auto update and display currency according to the current exchange rates inside CS-Cart backend. The sources of exchange rates are Yahoo Finance and Google Finance and shows the live exchange rate of the day.
Vendor Subdomain
4.6 (9)

CS-Cart Vendor Subdomain is an add-on that allows sellers to create a sub-domain for their products on the Multi-Vendor site. Also, the admin can create the sub-domain on behalf of the vendors.