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Did you know that FedEx & UPS offer a 100% Money Back Guarantee if a package arrives late, even by 60 seconds? Did you know over $2 Billion in Refunds went unclaimed last year alone? Claiming refunds involves a manual process that must be done within 15 days of a delivery, and is not cost-effective for most companies. So, if you are shipping with FedEx or UPS, you need 71lbs now.
Why should I signup today?
- Free Audits
- Free Shipping Analytics (Something you won't see on carrier websites)
- No Contracts
- 15 Day Limit to Claim Refunds
Both FedEx and UPS offer a 100% money-back guarantee on packages delivered late by 60 seconds or more. Yet, more than $2B of due shipping refunds go unclaimed annually due to the complex and time-consuming claims process.
Sign-up for Free
No contracts. No monthly fees.
Receive Due Refunds
71lbs' automated system monitors your shipping accounts, identifies late deliveries, and files claims on your behalf. Refunds are credited directly to your account with the shipping carrier, and our fee is 50% of the collected refunds.
Manage Your Shipping $SS
Our easy-to-use dashboard lets you view reports detailing your shipments, refunds, and more to assist with shipping expense management.
With an estimated 5% of shipped packages arriving late, monitoring the activity on your account with your carrier is important to your practice's bottom line.
For more information or to sign up, visit our site
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