Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Real Time notifications add-on
5.0 (5)
Notifications without page reloading. Beep and blinking browser tab title.
Fractional Stock
5.0 (6)
Allows you to sell a certain amount of goods or goods with a floating value. You can sell food products (in grams, kilograms), products sold in packages (boxes, boxes) and other things that have a floating amount
Facebook Catalog Feed (Facebook Store) + Instagram Feed
5.0 (2)
Save 30%
The plugin makes it possible to create dynamic advertising on Facebook for the promotion of online store products using data feed.
Upload your product data and let millions of shoppers see your online and in-store inventory. Edit it whenever you want, so shoppers always see the right information in your ads.
The plugin allows you to create and quickly adjust a large number of advertisements depending on the presence or absence of certain goods in stock (showing only current ads).
Почта России
2.6 (8)

Официальный модуль Почты России для расчета стоимости и сроков доставки заказов, подготовки партий, формирования бланков и адресных ярлыков, отслеживания статусов отправлений

Phone mask PRO
5.0 (4)
Most use-full phone mask addon
UTM statistics
5.0 (1)
The add-on allows you to monitor all users who came to the site with special parameters - UTM-tags. Because of this, you can always make just the right investments in advertising!
Product code generator
5.0 (7)
  • Generates a product SKU automatically.
  • Flexible settings of the article template.