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Product Icon Flipping
5.0 (2)
Adds interesting hover effect to product icons on all products list pages.
Fading Blocks
No reviews
Allows to make slider from any blocks of your store.
XenForo Latest Threads
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Displays the latest threads from your XenForo forum in block of the store.
HTTPS Switcher
3.0 (1)
Set secure connection for all the pages of your store.
Extended Banner Slider FREE
5.0 (3)
Banners with customizable effects on the homepage of your store will attract the customer's attention.
Extended Banner Slider
No reviews
Save 55%
Generate and set the interesting and attractive banners for your store. Lots of useful settings.
Free Shipping Notifier
3.6 (11)
Adds a free shipping notification and a special block with the info about the product's cost to be added to the cart to get free shipping.
Google reCAPTCHA
4.5 (11)
Smart and reliable protection of your online store from bots and spammers.