Price  $
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Developer  (1)
Development type
Google Geolocation
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Detect and geolocate users and display it with Google maps. Collapsible block with mini-map is set to store's top menu automatically.
Order Attachments
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Adds the ability for vendors to attach files (for example, documents or product images) to orders.
Customer just Bought
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Shows the notification to all online customers if someone has just made an order on the store. The notification can be customized.
Forms Manager Logger
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Logs all data of the submitted forms on a separate page in the admin panel and in the user’s personal account.
Additional Block Settings
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Сustomize your store look individually for different user groups. Ability to display the block content on different devices: desktops, tablets, mobiles.
Assign User Group on Registration
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Automatic assignment of a user group to the recently registered customers.
Custom Audience
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This add-on helps you to search the target audience of the site and export the client’s data in the csv. file or in the Newsletters.
Product 360 View
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Create a 3D model from static product images - just upload photos and configure the visual presentation on the detailed product page.
Save for Later
0.0 (0)
Ability to replace products from the cart and save them on the special page in the storefront. Customers can return saved products back to the cart and complete the purchase at any time.
Extended My Account Block
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Configurable view of the My account block. Ability to add new items, configure the block displaying for different user groups, change statuses of items, positions.
SEO For Brand Pаges
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Improve the look and feel of a standard brand page and use it as an effective landing page.
Pay by Link
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Generate payment links and send the email message with an invitation to pay.