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Disabling blocks for mobile devices
5.0 (1)
Allows you to disable blocks for mobile or other devices by cutting them out of the DOM structure
Multiple add to cart
No reviews
Adds ability to add multiple products to the cart with one 'Add to cart all products' button.
Fractional Stock
5.0 (6)
Allows you to sell a certain amount of goods or goods with a floating value. You can sell food products (in grams, kilograms), products sold in packages (boxes, boxes) and other things that have a floating amount
5.0 (1)
Changes the default geolocation to better one.
Quick Search
4.5 (4)
Save 41%
Optimizes search results by allowing you to search by category, brand and product features, thereby increasing conversion rates on the site
Phone Authorization
5.0 (1)
Allows to authorize by phone with SMS code or password
Vendor feedbacks
3.8 (4)
The add-on allows customers to rate sellers and leave feedback after purchases. Gives you the opportunity to respond to a review or file a complaint
Push Notifications
5.0 (1)
Allows you to promptly notify users and administrators about orders through push notifications in the browser and SMS
Images lazy load
5.0 (2)
Save 64%
Increases the speed of loading pages of the site, reduces the consumption of user resources due to the improved algorithm of loading images on the site.
Backup in Yandex.Disk
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Save 22%
Allows you to make automatic database backups in Yandex.Disk
Filtres by button
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The filter will work only after selecting the desired options and clicking on the "Apply" button