Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Cart Panel
5.0 (3)
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shows all products added to the cart on the desktop version of the store.
Profile Types for Users & Vendors
5.0 (3)
Ability to create several profile types for users and vendors. You can configure a set of profile fields for each profile type.
Age Verification Popup
5.0 (3)

Age Verification Popup before
browsing the website

Extended integration with retailCRM
5.0 (3)
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Full, two-way integration with retailCRM.
Lazy Loading Images
5.0 (3)
  • Optimizes images and frames loading.
  • Improves the SEO rank of website.
Instagram stories for your store
5.0 (3)
Add beautiful stories to your store!
Swiper.js (banners, carousels, product images on hover)
5.0 (3)
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Add carousels for a lot of blocks, changes product images on hover. Add banners carousel
Phone mask (Google style) formatter and validation
5.0 (3)
  • Phone number verification.
  • Standardization of the entered phone number.