Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Cart Panel
5.0 (3)
shows all products added to the cart on the desktop version of the store.
Profile Types for Users & Vendors
5.0 (3)
Ability to create several profile types for users and vendors. You can configure a set of profile fields for each profile type.
Age Verification Popup
5.0 (3)

Age Verification Popup before
browsing the website

Extended integration with retailCRM
5.0 (3)
Save 40%
Full, two-way integration with retailCRM.
Lazy Loading Images
5.0 (3)
  • Optimizes images and frames loading.
  • Improves the SEO rank of website.
Instagram stories for your store
5.0 (3)
Add beautiful stories to your store!
Swiper.js (banners, carousels, product images on hover)
5.0 (3)
Add carousels for a lot of blocks, changes product images on hover. Add banners carousel
Phone mask (Google style) formatter and validation
5.0 (3)
  • Phone number verification.
  • Standardization of the entered phone number.