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Development type
RosKassa payment
Используйте платежную систему RosKassa для транзакций практически с любым шлюзом или платежной службой. Быстро выходите на новые рынки, обеспечивайте безопасность и соответствие платежей и адаптируйте свой платежный стек для поддержки своей бизнес-стратегии.
RollOver Image
Save 20%
Adds a change-image effect to your images in a product grid/list on category pages and in product blocks.
Roistat Integration: Business Analytics
Control of traffic channels and corresponding expenses in integraion with Roistat.
Robokassa - official add-on for Russia and Kazakhstan
Данный модуль интегрирует CS-Cart с платежным шлюзом Robokassa. Позволяет принимать оплату от пользователей России и Казахстана, также разделять платежи между продавцами используя сплитование.
При этом за всех продавцов сам сервис отправит чеки согласно 54ФЗ - решение Робочеки.
Rich Snippet - SEO Structured Data
Adding markup will allow Google robots to correctly interpret the data and display concentrated information about your site on the search page, which will facilitate navigation and understanding of the structure of resource activity by potential users.
Reviews with videos, Q/A
Addon adds ability to attach photos to products reviews and make product page much more selling.
Reviews with photos and likes & Gerenation of product reviews and repeat sales
Bundle with 2 apps:
Reviews with photos and likes
Generation of product reviews and repeat sales
Reviews with photos and likes
Generation of product reviews and repeat sales
Reviews Export/ Import
This module allows to export and import reviews for different objects (products, categories, etc)
Simple import from Excel, XML, CSV files with Multivendor support
Save 12%
Import and update products and features. Addon can help you control stocks & prices via Excel, XML price lists.
Integration with Baselinker
Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows integration with Baselinker system. Add-on fully integrates CS-Cart/Multi-Vendor ensuring data exchange about orders and products.
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Wherefrom client + marketing report
Save 34%
This module can tell you order channel - paid channel, referall, search engine, social networks.
Checkout optimisation
Improve your order placement: remove notification "Email already used", auto registration for customers.
SMS Notifications PRO
This addon helps to create rich SMS notifications in your store. Payment links, tracking numbers and reward points.
Christmas is on the way :)
On holidays, people spend a lot of money to please loved ones. You can make them happy :)
We can give you some tips to increase the sales of your online store or marketplace during the days of high shopping activity.
Promotions, discounts, exclusive gift bundlesThink about what promotions you can offer: buying 2 products with the discount, 1 + 1 = 3, etc.
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