
Price  $
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Development type
One Line Scroll Layout
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New layout for product list. Now your customers can just click any product and it will be shown without page reloading.
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Create sets of products to be displayed together. Customer will see a few images of a certain product.
Product Review Request
5.0 (1)

Product Review Request - This magnificent extension allows user to send reminder to customers in form of invitation to make a review of the items purchased after a period based on the order status selected.

Geolocation Language and Currency Converter
5.0 (4)
CS-Cart Geolocation Language and Currency Converter : This impressive add-on converts currency and language of CS-Cart store in run time based on the visitor’s location. An automatic conversion happens on the basis of Geo-location.
Show only vendors with active products
5.0 (1)

Addon to Multi-VendorMulti-Vendor PLUSMulti-Vendor Ultimate allows showing on the vendor list in store, only vendors which have at least one active product in store.

Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount

Features combine
5.0 (1)
  • Combine several features into one.
  • Create a filter based on it.
CS-Cart add-on Simple Profit
Simple Profit
5.0 (2)

Simple Profit tells profit per product, profit per order and the total profit in a convenient way.

cs-cart addon open graph
Open Graph
5.0 (1)
This module allows to control Open Graph meta tags for different objects
Extended integration with retailCRM
5.0 (3)
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Full, two-way integration with retailCRM.
Image gallery for the site and optimisation of the seller's image for Multi-Vendor
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Adds a photo gallery: to the product card before the description; after the description in the product card; in the product card tab; on the page in front of the main content; on the page after the main content; on the blog pages in front of the main content.

Vendor restrictions
5.0 (3)

Restricts what order statuses are available for vendors

Tinkoff payment
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Платежный модуль от Тинькофф позволит принимать оплату на Вашем сайте с использованием банковских карт платежных систем Visa, MasterCard, МИР и т. д.