Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Customer experience
No reviews
​The add-on collects customer feedback after placing an order. Reviews are collected in a popup window on the order placement page on a 5-point scale. If the client has selected 1-3 stars: a text field appears for entering wishes. On the order list page in the admin panel, there is a display of reviews, filters are provided for analysis.​
Prohibition on simultaneous editing of an order
No reviews
Collision Prevention.
Notification about user editing an order.
Sezzle payment gateway
No reviews
Introducing our CS-Cart Sezzle Payment Gateway add-On, a powerful solution that integrates the Sezzle payment gateway into your CS-Cart website's payment setup. It enhances security and reliability, offering your customers a smooth payment experience through Sezzle's advanced payment infrastructure.
Mega Wishlist
5.0 (1)
makes the standard wishlist add-on modern and useful, you can immediately see which products have been added and can be removed from the list
Reason for status change
No reviews
Add a reason for changing the order status.
Can be displayed in email notification.