Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Extended Sitemap XML
5.0 (1)
Create the best version of your sitemap and get the first lines in the search results.
Robokassa - official add-on for Russia and Kazakhstan
5.0 (1)

Данный модуль интегрирует CS-Cart с платежным шлюзом Robokassa. Позволяет принимать оплату от пользователей России и Казахстана, также разделять платежи между продавцами используя сплитование.

При этом за всех продавцов сам сервис отправит чеки согласно 54ФЗ - решение Робочеки.

Sign-up Pop-up and first order discount
5.0 (1)
Easily add a powerful and professional looking pop-up to your website.
Google One Tap login
5.0 (1)
Save 33%
Your customers will be able to log in really with one click.
​Product Designer
5.0 (1)
Save 20%
Product designer is a tool for customizing clothing and accessories, business cards, calendars, labels and tags, promotion gifts and other products in the CS-Cart store.
Shoppable Images
5.0 (1)
Save 20%
Add-on gives an opportunity for customers to find and buy any product that they can see on the interactive banner ads or interactive images. Consumers can click on the shopping tags on these pictures and obtain all useful information about the product or any item they want to buy.
Request for quotation - RFQ
1.0 (1)
Save 67%

This addon is developed to help buyers to get quote from all vendors for any specific requirement, and vendors will be able to quote as per requirement of customer, they can quote according to RFQ and customer will have more flexibility to find products on your store.

it will also keep customers and vendors active on a running store.

Promotional Price