How to boost your sales on holidays? + Bonus

The module displays a list of products in a block on the site pages or a list in footer (basement).
Webpay payment gateway ( add-on for CS-Cart
The module allows you to form groups of related products, completing the order and supplementing it with a list of additional options. When picking, the characteristics and variations of the characteristics of each product are taken into account, which can be changed, forming a unique offer and the composition of the items for the order.
Платежный модуль от Модульбанк позволит принимать оплату на Вашем сайте с использованием банковских карт платежных систем Visa, MasterCard и МИР.
The administrator can view products that do not have a category link. Automatic distribution of the category tree with the module takes much less time, which is especially important when working with a large number of suppliers.