Price  $
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Mandatory delivery parameters for the vendor of the marketplace
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The module makes delivery parameters mandatory, i.e. the product having the corresponding fields not filled will be stored in the database, but will not be displayed on the window.

Infinite pagination
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The add-on adds infinite pagination to category and search pages of the store.

Restrict admins orders view to certain statuses
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows setting up access to certain order statuses for each administrator in store. Administrator sees only orders with selected statuses and he's unable to change their status to one of unavailable statuses.

If you're looking to buy this add-on as a subscription, it is available here: Subscription add-on

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Html filter for descriptions
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Add-on let you enable or disable for vendors insert video in description.Also you let set black or white url list. If you set white list vendor will be able insert links only on sites in white list. In case with black list vendor will be able insert any links, except urls in black list.

Simplify interface of promotions
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows simplifying interface of promotions by removing some conditions and bonuses from it.

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CS-Cart addon saferpay
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Connect your store to SaferPay payment system

Show simple agreement on login page
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Addon to CS-Cart and Multi-Vendor allows adding special agreement to login screen, which must be accepted by customer.

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Cookie notification Panel
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Convenient and simple Cookie notification panel for your users.

Product Viewers
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Shows the number of the active viewers
in the current product.

Accounting with vendors
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The owner of the marketplace needs to see the overall picture and understand how much money the vendors owe them and what payments they should make. This module will show you the general picture and balance of the vendors with different filters.

Joint use payments in MVE Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments mode
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If you install and turn on in MVE add-on "Direct Customer-to-Vendor Payments", customers will be able pay for purchases only using vendors payments. But with this add-on vendor can use and provide for customers not only own payments. In this case they will be able to use marketplace payments.