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Order Payout
4.0 (1)
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Integrate "order payout" feature in your store. Many time admin want to save transaction date , transaction id , transaction amount of order which paid by any offline payment method but they can't save it. so our team making it for our Cs-cart store admin so that they can save offline payment transaction id & date in order details page . Cs-cart/ Multivendor Order Payout is a featured addon.

CS-Cart addon grid view
Configurable Grid View
3.0 (2)

This module allows to configure look and feel of the grid with products

CS-Cart addon multiple robots
Multiple robots.txt
3.0 (2)

This module allows to use and edit different robots.txt file for each store-front

CS-Cart add-on order prepayment
Order Prepayment
3.0 (2)

This module allows to receive prepayment for orders

CS-Cart addon administrative toolbar
Administration Toolbar
1.0 (1)

This module creates easily customizable toolbar for the administrator panel

chatra logo
Chatra Live Chat and Cart Saver
1.0 (1)

Modern Live Chat Software. Boost conversions, solve issues,in real time.

Live chat allows you to answer questions and alleviate concerns, unstucking visitors and helping them place an order. Use it to collect actionable feedback to improve your service: identify problems, capture leads and know your customers. It’s really easy with Chatra.
Countdown promotion timer
Countdown promotion timer
1.0 (1)
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Allows to display the remaining promotion time in the form of countdown timer on a product/category page. This add-on helps to attracts customers' attention to store promotions and as a result increase sales.

Seller Plan Contract
1.0 (2)

This addon allows an admin to create a contract for each seller plan that includes the details of the seller company and various terms and conditions that an admin want to add to his contract.

Change icon of your cart with nice effects with number of products in cart
Awesome Cart Icon Effect
1.0 (1)
Save 80%

This addon will change your cart icon and its appearance to modern style which is best for latest stores.

The old style of cart is improved by newest style and it looks really awesome to users and they have clear visibility to your store cart icon.

Wallet One
1.0 (1)
RosKassa payment
1.0 (1)

Используйте платежную систему RosKassa для транзакций практически с любым шлюзом или платежной службой. Быстро выходите на новые рынки, обеспечивайте безопасность и соответствие платежей и адаптируйте свой платежный стек для поддержки своей бизнес-стратегии.

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Display products related to the chosen one on the product detailed page in the separate tab.