Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
Features In Separate Columns
5.0 (8)

This module allows to export and import product feature values in separate columns

OTP Verification
5.0 (7)

CS-Cart OTP Verification provides the feature to log in the store via Mobile Number and Email both. The OTP verifications will also be done during new customer's registration and checkout process by sending the code to customer's contact number.

Additional Block Settings
5.0 (6)

This module allows to enable blocks for mobile, tablet or desktop devices and enable blocks for specific user groups.

Infinite Scroll
5.0 (6)

This module allows to automatically load the next page with products after the end of the list without reloading the page

Cs-Cart add-on custom carriers
Custom Carriers
5.0 (5)

This module allows to add new tracking carriers and disable default ones

Category Layout
5.0 (4)

This module allows to tune the look and feel of the category details page

SEO Meta Tags Generator
5.0 (4)

This module allows to automatically generate meta info for products, categories and pages using specific templates

Server and Infrastructure Performance Optimization
5.0 (4)

Optimize the performance of the server and the website, reduce hosting spendings and improve business security