Price  $
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Split promotion costs between owner and vendor
5.0 (1)
Extension to Multi-Vendor allows changing logic of splitting promotion costs between vendors and administrators of Marketplace

A new promotion has arrived!
Make purchases for 200$ from our entire offer and get 20% discount
Google One Tap Sign in
5.0 (1)
Save 39%

Enhance the login experience on your CS-Cart-powered online store with the Google One Tap Sign-In Add-on. This convenient addon enables customers to log in with a single click, utilizing their Google account credentials. By simplifying the login process, it eliminates the need for users to remember additional usernames and passwords. Improve customer engagement and reduce login-related friction to create a faster, more convenient experience on your e-commerce platform. The CS-Cart Google One Tap Sign-In Add-on is a practical and user-friendly solution to boost customer satisfaction and encourage repeat visits to your online store.

IndexNow: instantly inform search engines about latest content changes
4.0 (2)
  • Notify crawler imidietly about changes.
  • Support Yandex, Bing and
Hide Products Without Images
4.0 (1)
All products without images will not appear in search results and the categories they belong to.
Unite (merge) selected orders into one
4.0 (1)
  • Combine orders from one customer into one.
  • Save time on order processing.
Currency IP
No reviews
Shows prices in the currency that the customers use. Ex., customers from UK see prices in pounds and customers from USA see prices in dollars automatically due to their IP.
Automatic Administrator Tasks
No reviews
Saves store admin and vendors time by auto executing routine tasks. Logging of the processes executed. Configurable email notifications for all tasks.