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On sale
Disabling blocks for mobile devices
5.0 (1)
Allows you to disable blocks for mobile or other devices by cutting them out of the DOM structure
HTML design constructor for CS-Cart
5.0 (1)
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The module allows you to easily and quickly typeset site pages using the constructor. You can easily create simple and intuitive sites.

Extended Logo
5.0 (1)
makes the store’s logo adaptive. Supports SVG.
Logistics: fulfillment, cross docking, your own storage, PVZ points
5.0 (1)
Save 31%

The module is designed for working with the marketplace in the format of fulfillment, crossdocking, dropshipping, or trading from your storage.

Snowfall effect
5.0 (1)
Surprise your visitors with seasonal decorations.
Social Media Login (Google / Facebook / LinkedIn / Twitter / Yahoo / etc.)
5.0 (1)
Allow your customers to register on the website using a social network account