Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
FAQ addon (questions and answers)
5.0 (5)
4508.57 Р
Add questions and answers, group them. Place a block with questions and answers on any page of the site. Customize the look.
Extended Banners
5.0 (5)
3606.85 Р
adds new options to standard banners
Side Promo Banner
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
Adds a side banner to announce promotions and other useful information
Lazy Load for Images and Blocks
5.0 (4)
4508.57 Р
The images and blocks you select will load as you scroll the page. This will have a positive effect on loading speed.
Sticky Add To Cart
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
Adds the buy button to the product detail page when the page is scrolled
Product Video
5.0 (4)
1803.43 Р
adds a video to the detailed product page.
Poptin: Pop Ups & Contact Us Forms
5.0 (4)

Easily create engaging website pop ups and forms and start converting more visitors into customers, leads and subscribers

Apply discount on product page
5.0 (4)
6645.63 Р
The module allows you to quickly increase the conversion rate in the product card and legally circumvent the restrictions of vendors on RRP.