Price  Р
Compatibility versions
Development type
On sale
Guest Orders for Existing Customers
5.0 (2)
2705.14 Р
Simplify the checkout by enaibling guest orders for existing customers even if their emails are registered in the database.
Category Landing View
5.0 (2)
1803.43 Р
Adds a new block with a list of categories to your store. With it, you will create a unique look for your home page.
Extended one click order
5.0 (2)
4959.42 Р
Makes one-click ordering truly convenient
Last Modified
5.0 (2)
3606.85 Р
  • Acceleration of website indexation.
  • Increase page loading speed for users.
  • Date of the document in search engine results.
WhatsApp Icon Button
5.0 (2)
631.20 Р

WhatsApp Icon Button in your website

Improve User Engagement With Whatsapp - Contact  Us

Make it easy for your site visitors to contact you through their mobile phones with click-to-call, Whatsapp Message,  from anywhere on your website.

Whatsapp  which allows you to communicate with your customers easily. It is designed specifically for the CS Cart community.

Use our communication features and allow your users to contact you easily by Whatsapp, Phone and more.
Responsive for PC

PayPal SDK checkout
4.5 (2)
5410.28 Р
  • Easy and fast checkout in 2 clicks.
  • Support PayPal Pay Later service.
Wow Animation for Blocks (Animation Effects)
5.0 (1)
1803.43 Р
Adds cool, fun, and cross-browser animations for your blocks
Phone Registration
5.0 (1)
4418.39 Р
Registration and authorization on the site using the user’s mobile phone number.