CS-Cart Show More Addon

Отзывов: 1
Last update: 07.03.2022
не более двух доменов на витрину, основной и для разработки
CS-Cart Show More Addon
5320.11 Р

The addon provides functionality to automatically load an infinite number of products on the Homepage,product search page, product category page, and vendor’s products page. Basically, as the user scrolls through content, more content is loaded automatically. Infinite scrolling offers an efficient way to browse massive amounts of items, without having to wait for pages to preload. Rather, the user enjoys a truly responsive experience, whatever device they’re using.

You can load more products in two ways:

  1. By scrolling down the page- by default this is disable if you want to enable this functionality you need to go into the addon setting and check the Automatically Load On Scrolloption from the addon setting.
  2. By clicking the “Show more” button- by default this is enabled there is no need for any particular setting for this option.


  • Easily integrate with CS-Cart, CS-Cart Multivendor,CS-Cart Multivendor Ultimate.
  • Feature to Infinite loading of items on the homepage,product category page and product search pages.
  • Feature to load more items by clicking the “Show More” button or by scrolling down the page.
  • The “Show More” button for product blocks like On Sale, Hot deals,Vendor Category Promotions, similar Products etc.
Payment type
One-time payment
Совместимость с версиями
  • 4.17.1
  • 4.16.2
  • 4.16.1
  • 4.15.2
  • 4.15.1.SP4
  • 4.15.1.SP3
  • 4.15.1.SP2
  • 4.15.1.SP1
  • 4.15.1
  • English
Купил(а) товар
The add-on from a good developer, that can increase your load speed page.
Ecarter integrated show-more-addon with Fast-navigate-add-on for us. The result is a wonderful U/I for vendors and their customers.

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