[DATAROU] Order Analysis

Last update: 05.04.2021
[DATAROU] Order Analysis

Do you know what products are sold most, or which month do you have the most sales? Or vice versa?

[DATAROU] Order analysis is the powerful tool for you to analyze your order data by charts. Let's try it!

How to install?

1. Go to Add-ons > Manage add-ons.

2. Click [+](Upload & install add-on) button.

3. Click [Local] button and select zip file of this addon.

4. Click [Update & install] button.

How to use?

This is powerful tool to analyze your order data by charts.

1. Go to Orders > DATAROU - Order Analysis.

2. Select chart conditions and click [Show Chart] button.

Dimensions: Year, Month, Day, Customer, Order Status, Order ID, Store(Vendor), Shipping method, Payment method, Shipping country, Shipping state, Category, Product.

Fact: Amount, Quantity

*When selecting dimension of Category and Product, Amount is product price ordered and Quantity is product quantity ordered. Otherwise, Amount is order amount and Quantity is order quantity.

Chart Type: Line, Column, Bar, Pie

* You can use "Advanced conditions" to narrow down your data.

Sort by: Dimension, Top, Bottom

* Dimension of Year/Month/Day with Line/Column chart does not affect Top/Bottom sort. It always sorts by Year/Month/Day.

Display: Display only the number of data points set here.

Chart title: Top title of chart.

*You can save your chart with [Save] button at "Save this conditions as".

*For dimension of "Order status" the chart color is based on order statuses' color.

*Clicking on chart will open orders list on new tab for clicked data.

*You can set maximum data points to display for performance. Please go to Add-ons > DATAROU > Order Analysis and set "Max data points".

Отзывы не найдены

We provide CS-CART addons mainly for dashboard, chart, export etc. of data related addons.

Контактная информация

We provide CS-CART addons mainly for dashboard, chart, export etc. of data related addons.

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