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Phone +7 963 234 30 03

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Vracha Mikhailova str., bld. 51, off. 208 Ulyanovsk, Ul'janovskaja oblast' 432010 Russian Federation
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Design creation
Design integration
Add-on/modification development
Turnkey website
Mobile application
March 2014
English Русский
Russian Federation, Ul'janovskaja oblast'
  • eCom Labs is CS-Cart Gold partners. We know HOW to develop a profitable online-store and marketplace. 95% of our customers run a successful online business. 10 years in the e-commerce market. 
  • We help clients to work with CS-Cart, more than 20,000 forum posts, 144 add-ons that make your life easier, 2nd place in the annual developers ratings, Top 3 on CS-Cart Marketplace.
  • We work out profitable online-stores and marketplaces: from idea to a whole business. With guarantee.
  • CS-Cart Gold partners Certified developers


  • Turnkey online store development
  • Development of marketplaces from scratch
  • Mobile app for online shop and marketplace
  • Ready solutions. CS-Cart licenses
  • Integration of external services and systems
  • Online store modification
  • Transfer site to CS-Cart
  • CS-Cart online-shop update
  • Technical support
  • Online-shop audit ( technical, usability) and its perfomance
  • CS-Cart training
  • UX/UI design
  • Online store and marketplace design development, integration
  • Logo and banner development
  • Your personal assistant
  • Operational work
  • Hourly pay

Our cases

Our dedicated technical support team is ready to help you solve any CS-Cart related issues. We provide expert advice, help with customization, troubleshooting and training. Our goal is to ensure smooth operation of your store.
Planning to migrate to CS-Cart? We'll assist you with data migration, transferring products, customers, and orders. Our experts ensure a secure and efficient transition to the CS-Cart platform.
Design creation
Our designers will create a unique design for your store. We consider your branded elements, user preferences, and modern trends. The result is an attractive and functional interface.
Design integration
Our integration experts are ready to align your store's design with the CS-Cart platform. We consider your branded elements, color palette, and user experience. The result is a harmonious blend of functionality and aesthetics.
Add-on/modification development
Need custom functionality for your store? We develop apps, modifications, and integrations to meet your unique requirements. Reliable and professional solutions.
Turnkey website
Ready to launch your online store, but you need some guidance? We offer turnkey solutions from development to launch, including setup, design, integrations, and training. Your store will be ready for sales.
Mobile application
A mobile app is a convenient way to attract customers. We'll develop a mobile app for you, optimized for iOS and Android platforms. Users can easily shop through the app.


4.99 / 50 assessments
Rating based on user opinions
Нам очень понравилось работать с eCom Labs. Команда заинтересована в хорошем результате не меньше, чем заказчик, это очень чувствуется. Запустили с ними один проект, который будем совместно дорабатывать, и второй тоже обязательно будем делать с eCom Labs.
Отдельное спасибо Андрею и Олегу, вы лучшие!
Большое спасибо команде eCom Labs, и в часности Андрею Голобокову, за оперативную помощь, разработку необходимых модулей и доработку стандартного функционала. Очень подробно разбираются в запросе и
Огромное спасибо ребятам из eCom Labs, отдельная благодарность Андрею! Никаких задержек с выполнением работ, озвученные изначально бюджеты не растут, а дизайнер моментально понимает, что нужно! При таком качестве работ и скорости, это новые стандарты, к которым нужно стремиться абсолютно всем разработчикам!
Обратился к eCom Labs для разработки и внедрения дизайна интернет магазина. Сделали всё в поставленные сроки и по более чем приемлемой цене. Даже после завершения проекта помогают разобраться в его администрировании. Благодарен команде eCom Labs за профессионализм! Планирую обращаться к ним в дальнейшем. Спасибо!
The number one CS-CART 3rd party company. They are ready to help, very easy to understand. Helping others is the main concern from this company and money comes last. I strongly recommend this company
Thank you so much eCom labs for the great work and support this 3rds time i got your service and I’ll contact them for any new order.
eComLabs have now developed several bespoke addons for us and helped to fix other issues, going above and beyond the brief to get things right for us. We recommend them very highly. They are excellent value and their support is great.
Большая благодарность eCom Labs! Обращался к ним не раз с дизайном витрины, с доработкой стандартного функционала и с написанием дополнительных модулей. Всегда быстро выходят на связь, четко и в короткие сроки по приемлемым цена делают работу. Так держать!
eComLabs is 4th company which I've worked with for my store so far.

If i want to describe them in one word, the word will be "Excellent".

They will make for you exactly what you've ordered.

Their prices are reasonable.

Their support is GREAT.

I recommend them.
Благодарим команду eCom Labs за оперативное и качественное решение поставленной задачи, связанной с доведением до ума стандартной, собственно говоря, функциональности. Проблема была решена за час. Большое спасибо!


Images Optimization
5.0 (10)
This module allows you to optimize images in order to increase the speed of pages loading for your website
Additional Block Settings
5.0 (6)

This module allows to enable blocks for mobile, tablet or desktop devices and enable blocks for specific user groups.

CS-Cart add-on  referral marketing
Referral Marketing
5.0 (2)

This module allows the store administrators to reward the referrers who invited new customers.