GeoIP Languages

Отзывов: 1
GeoIP Currencies
GeoIP Languages

GeoIP Currencies can automatically detect the country that your website visitor is viewing your site from, changes your store's currency and prices into the LOCAL currency of your visitor.
Eg.: if you prices are in US Dollars and your site visitor is viewing your site from Germany, then the prices will be converted into Euros, but if they are viewing your site from Japan then they will see a conversion into Yen. All of this happens automatically with no intervention from the visitor required.

  • Determines the customer's country by referencing their IP address using the built-in GeoIP database from MaxMind
  • Automatically changes your store's currency to that you have specified for the appropriate country
  • If GeoIP can not match your customer's IP to a country or the visitors LOCAL currency is not used in your CS-Cart or is not associated, the default currency will be displayed
  • Ability to specify which of your store's currencies to associate with each country

No core files changes, editing.
Easy installation, 1 click installation compatible with CS-Cart v.4.1.x editions!
Detailed installation instructions included!

  • Store Builder
  • Multi-Vendor
WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed

Контактная информация

WebGraphiq offers a wide range of ready to use CS-Cart mods, addons and professionally designed CS-Cart templates.

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